We stood in awe, enraptured. It was long thought that the gods had truly forsaken us, had dismissed our doings in favor of some other less troublesome cosmic distraction. Yet here before us stood a true goddess, glowing with some tranquil inner light, radiating palpable waves of well being. The opals we had given her were set into a golden necklace, so thick and ornate and beset with jewels that it was a wonder the weight of it didn't cause her to stoop over. We began to kneel in respect, but she caught our elbows and lifted her chin, indicating that we should stand tall. The wind blew through the grass, an electric fullness quickened the sky. The world became a child's dream of tomorrow, full of promise.
"Men and gods are much alike, as much as rain and snow. Each with a strength and a power that is a blessing to behold. We stand together here, at this moment, to stamp our hallmark into history. Your old lives are done, you now shoulder a heavier burden, you the lucky few whose names will never be forgotten. In time our ultimate goal will become clear, but the beginning of anything is always the continuation of something else, and now is the time to move with true purpose."
The valley was serene. The air brought scents of honeysuckle and lilac, birds sang from the forest's edge. We looked at each other, dumbfounded. We looked back at her, and found our muse. She smiled warmly and tilted her head slightly, like a bemused mother marveling at the magnificence of her children.
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